Sunday, June 10, 2007

Top Ten List

Top ten signs you have been doing too many Beth Moore Bible Studies
(We really know there is no such thing as too many Beth studies!)

10. You order chips and salsa at every restaurant you go to, even if it is a Chinese place.

9. You start to color your hair lighter and lighter so you, too, can be "blonder than you pay to be".

8. Your hairspray bill triples in a month.

7. You end every sentence with "Amen?" or "Can anybody go with me here?"

6. You look at clothes while shopping asking, "Would Beth wear this?"

5. You start throwing birthday parties for your dog.

4. People want to know when you got back from your vacation in Texas because you have picked up the accent.

3. You start wanting your husband to walk around the house in hunting gear.

2. You get pulled over by the police for waving your hands erratically while driving when really you were just having your quiet time.

1. People in your life want to meet your new friend "Beth".

*Special thanks to my wonderful friend Dawn for writing this list and sharing it with us!*


Melis said...

I LOVE THIS!!!! It is so hilarious and so perfectly true!!!!

Melis said...

No seriously!!! This is the best post ever. I've read it now like 14 times and each time it gets funnier!!!

Steve and Elizabeth said...

Isn't Beth the best?!? She is such a real, accessible person. I'm so glad she's my friend!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love this! BTW, what are you doing on your computer at 4AM, Elizabeth?
This is your other mother-

Anonymous said...

Can't wait until fall when we begin a new study with Beth. lr