Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Forever Love

My Prince says that He never leaves me…He rises to show me compassion and longs to dance with me everyday of my life. He draws near to me as I speak with Him and says He only wants good for my life. He protects me and guards me. He knows my heart better than anyone and has given me a desire to know and seek Him. He drew me with loving-kindness and has set me apart from the world. He calls me darling, beautiful, and speaks tenderly to my heart. He holds me when I need Him and holds my heart in His hands. He cares for me with a love unlike any other and gave His own life so that we may be together for all eternity. Together we are eagerly awaiting when we will be together, wrapped in love, for all time. He pursued me, even when I ran from Him. He called out to me, called me by name and asked me to be His forever. Even when I cheated on him and ran away and hid from His presence, He found me. He looked deeply into my eyes and whispered His unconditional love, grace, and forgiveness into my life. He gently picked me up and like a Father He carried me back home. Time and time again He has done this. He knows everything I have ever done or will ever do, knows every hair on my head, every thought before I say it, and He loves me just the same-just as I am. I am a precious treasure in His eyes. My worth is priceless to Him and He has overcome all obstacles so our love could be made perfect. He has claimed me as His and I have claimed Him as mine. Together, we are one. With His soft touch on my heart, He allures me to himself and in the quietness and stillness He speaks to me and overwhelms me with His goodness. My cup runneth over when I am in His presence. He writes a love letter to me everyday, and whether I choose to read it or not, He continues to shower me with His letters and His words of ultimate love, healing, compassion and grace. His heart breaks when mine breaks and He holds me by my right hand, and leads me on the straight path. He is gracious and His blessings are abundant. He is gentle and loving and never ceases to amaze me with the beautiful gifts He gives me everyday. He gives me breath, a beautiful sunrise and sunset, and shows me the beauty that He created for me every day. Flowers and candy have no meaning when I see what He has created for those He loves. He lets me come to Him any time I want, calls for me and rejoices when I do. He sings over me songs of love and affirmation. He has seen me at my worst, and knows the depths of my heart and loves me the same. He has chosen me to love Him for all eternity and for that, my heart will continually overflow with joy and love like a river for my King. He has set my heart free from this world and allowed me to be overwhelmed, fulfilled and at peace with Him alone. He has opened my eyes to true love, and in Him I am satisfied.

Do you have a Valentine this year? Jesus is extending His hand to you. He is calling you by name and inviting you to dance with Him. He is asking, “May I have this dance…every day of your life?” His gaze is fixed on you. He is captivated by your beauty. He is smiling. He cares nothing of the opinion of others. He is standing. He will lead. He waits for your response.

My lover spoke and said to me, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me.” (Song of Solomon 2:10)

~Tera Shelton


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