Sunday, January 6, 2008

Created For A Relationship With God

Well, here you are at the beginning of another New Year. Regardless of whether you make resolutions or not, a new year brings a new start in many ways--new financial accounting, new calendars on the wall, new school assignments and new automobile models--to name a few. It doesn't take long, however, for the new to wear off. A few weeks into the year, after you've failed the first pop quiz and gained two pounds instead of taking off ten, things don't seem so fresh any longer.

God created Adam and Eve, giving mankind a glorious start on the way to a potentially deep and lasting relationship with their Creator and with one another. The first couple's drastic fall into sin ruined the relationships and the environment. A pall fell over all of human history and hopelessness reigned. All the freshness of the original creation was gone.

Into the darkness, however, a light shines from God. He promised a truly new beginning to all His redeemed creatures, a beginning that can never be tarnished.

What Does God Say?

Today, let's look at God's purposes in His original creation of human beings and compare them with the new, eternal beginning He has planned for all who know Him.

For preparation, open your Bible to Genesis 1:26-29 and read about God's creation of man and woman as recorded there. Next, read Genesis 2:5-25, which will give you more insight into several of God's purposes. When you have read these passages, turn to the Book of Revelation and read chapters 21 and 22.

My Thoughts

Have you ever wondered what your eternal relationship to God will be?
What does God have in mind for His redeemed people?
You have believed in Jesus Christ and you are saved, but what are you saved for?
What will it be like for you in heaven?

You'll find the best answers to those questions primarily in two places in the Bible--one is at the beginning (in Genesis) and the other is at the end (in Revelation). Genesis tells you of God's intention for man and woman when He first created them; Revelation gives you glimpses into God's great work of saving people to enjoy the blessings God planned for His creation.

Look up each of the verses below in Genesis and Revelation and study the comparisons of human life as God intended in His original creation, and eternal life as it will be for redeemed mankind on the New Earth. Write down the answers to the questions and any other thoughts you have as you compare each set. See if you can find any other comparisons besides the ones mentioned.

  • Adam and Eve were granted the high privilege and responsibility of ruling for God (Genesis 1:26, 2:8).

What do you see in Revelation 22:5 that continues this responsibility in eternity?

  • God fully provided for Adam and Eve's needs(Genesis 1:29; 2:9).

What are some ways God will provide for human needs as seen in Revelation 22:1, 2, 5 ?

  • Adam and Eve shared in the in the life and nature of their Creator (Genesis 2:7).

How is this relationship of the redeemed and God spoken of in Revelation 21:7; 22:4?

  • God gave Adam and Eve a home in a perfect environment(Genesis 2:8).

How does Revelation 21:3-5; 22:1-3 indicate an ideal environment on the New Earth?

  • Adam and Eve were assigned work and service to perform for God (Genesis 2:15).

What does the Lord say about service on the New Earth in Revelation 22:3?

Do you see that God has never altered His original purposes for mankind's good? Rather, He is planning a perfect home for His perfected people in an environment that can never be tainted by sin or destroyed by Satan. God will fellowship with His redeemed in a perfect relationship.

My Part

Will you have to wait until you are on the New Earth in God's new creation to experience the blessings of salvation and a good relationship with God? No! Look up
2 Corinthians 5:17, Colossians 3:9-10 and Ephesians 4:20-24. When you receive Christ and experience the new birth, you begin to enjoy the first fruits of the blessings that will surround you in the New Creation. Thank God in prayer for creating you!

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